Thursday, August 11, 2011



When I am busy and running all over the place to get things done, remind me that your work is not the world's work.

When I am zapped of all energy from electric shocks and involuntary jerks in my body, remind me that I am weak and broken and must turn to You.

When I wake and want to do nothing more than turn over and go back to sleep, remind me that your work awaits.

When my hands and feet shake, remind me that steadiness and steadfastness in my spirit outweigh being able to type or write or hold anything in my hands.

When my head is forced forward or to the side in a burst of energy, remind me that if I look to You and to nothing and no one else that I will be ok.

When I grunt with these jolts of electricity and people look at me sideways, remind me that words and song and sound are not always meant for what people think is important.

When I feel all the warning signs that the jolts are going to start: prickling, itching, twitching, etc., help my anxiety to ease, for I have nothing to be anxious about if I walk with You, see You in others, and then treat them the way that I should since You are in them.


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