Friday, September 30, 2011



Help me to shrug away from shyness and to be with people in community even though I always struggle to do so.  Help me to remember to just relax and let a conversation flow with someone whom I don't know.

Help me to give to my community but also to allow my community to give back to me.  It isn't all about me doing things by myself.

Help me to learn how to approach people rather than just standing back and hoping someone will invite me into a conversation.  Then, help me to always remember to listen.

Lord Jesus,

Please help me to remember that You gave your people a community of believers for a reason.  You were always gathering with people and teaching people in groups.  Help me to rejoice not only in personal communion with you, but to celebrate and rejoice in the community You have given to me.  Then, help me to have humility within the group.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keeping Watch


Please help me with the ability to keep watch. I need to keep watch for You, but I also need to keep watch so that when darkness approaches, I can see with opened eyes the temptation for what it truly is.

Help me to seek this task with humility.

And help me to never be so stuck in my journey to think that I must always know the answers.  Let me have the understanding of when to seek help from others, no matter how hard it might be to do so.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Good


Help me to see the good in people and not complain against them.  If something needs fixing, help me to help to fix the situation but to always see the good in people.

Help me instead to focus inward at those things in myself that need changing.  

Help me to turn away from the notion that there is nothing within me that needs changing.  This trap is laid out  for me in a new place in my life everyday.  I must always look for where it is hiding.


Help me to rejoice in the goodness of others and see that it is the goodness You have placed there.

Help me to recognize that when I see and want to over-grasp those things I see as good in myself that I must also remember that these things are the goodness You have placed in me and not merely a testament to puff myself up.


Please help me to keep my mind and my heart ready for You today.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Help me to be open to joy in my life.

Help me me to accept that I can turn things around when I feel like the storm is rocking the boat too much.  You are with me, ready to walk, even on water, to help me.

Help me to know when to open my petals to others.

And when to close my petals to rest.


Thank You for the gifts you have given to me and are giving me.  Let me learn how to best use them.  I have needed to be shown that the stream flows above ground and is not meant to be buried.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wash Me


Wash me in Your mercy.

Wash me in Your love.

Wash me in Your peace.

Let me always remember Your life giving water,

Your cleansing water, for I am always in need of Your mercy.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Seeing What's Hiding


Help me to see the good that sometimes hides.  Give me eyes to see it, for it is so much easier to sink into sadness than to always look for the good in others and the good you have placed within me.  Help me to turn the leaves over to see it and be willing to stir up my mind to never settle for sadness when You mean for me to see something else.

Help me to remember that I am a sinner and never better than anyone else.

Help me to learn how to reach out, even when it hurts.  Help me to also respect other people's space.


Purge from me all those things that keep me from clinging to You, trusting You, and seeing You in others.  Purge from me all those things that keep me from treating everyone as if they were You.

Help me to see that no one is a waste of time because everyone was created by You, and You seek everyone to choose to be near You.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Your Will


Help me to accept your will, even when I don't understand it.  If it be your will that I have spasms and move in a way that is foreign to me, then so be it.

If it be your will that I shed unnecessary parts of my life that I think are wonderful but that are not pleasing to You, then so be it.

If it be your will that I shed expectations about what I'm supposed to carry with me on this journey of life, then so be it.

If it be your will that I don't understand your will and must wander around in the dark for awhile, so be it.

If it be your will that I fight sadness, loneliness, and fatigue, so be it. 

But when it is time and when it is your will that others help me, I pray for the humility to accept others' efforts. 


Saturday, September 17, 2011



Help me to say goodbye to a friend who is leaving my life.  Help me to let go when people tell me they need space.

Help me to listen to people and not just act and react the way I think they need help but rather to listen to what they are telling me regarding what they want or need.

Help me to discern what You are calling me to do.

Thank You for your forgiveness and healing.  I need it often for I fall often.

Help me to stand against darkness and put it behind me.

But if and when I fail, for I am a flawed person, help me to continually come back to You for healing.  Help me to come back to You as soon as I can, to seek You and to call out to You when You are near.

Help me to see You and to look for You everywhere, especially in other people around me.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Seeing What I Should Be Seeing


Help me discern what I should be seeing for how You want me to take action.  Are you calling me to take action in this way or that way?  Am I seeing a damaged tree or a survivor tree?

Should I be seeing the flower or the cars?

Should I be seeing the windows or the cross?

For what I think You're calling me to do is such a large decision that affects not only me but others around me.  Am I seeing within my heart my own will or Your will?  Please help me to know what I should do.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011



When the natural order of things sometimes makes me feel battered and bruised

help me to remember that there are cycles of hurt and healing.  I will carry the memories with me but learn to incorporate them into my life in a way that adds meaning rather than despair.

Help me to remember, Lord, that when I need solace that I can turn to You no matter the time, the place, or the experience.

You will reach for me and let me know that You are near. I know that You don't usually take my hurts away because feeling them is good for my soul.  Life is full of disappointments, and sometimes feeling them makes us stronger.

Help me to surrender to You and to give you my pains so that we can share them.

Help me to remember that the grand scheme of things is bigger than my individual hurts.  I can always keep looking onward and upward and inward to find you because You whisper your presence into my ear in the little things.

Help the sun set on my hurts so that I can begin a new day today without letting them ruin new relationships, new experiences, and any new work you have for me to do.
