Sunday, October 30, 2011



Please help me to remember that You are the bridge that connects all parts of my life.  You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Help me to remember, though, that I must also be diligent in doing what I can to pick up the trash in my life and throw it away.

Help me to remember that not everything that needs to be shed is trash, for I must always learn from even the darkest of days. 

Help me to come to You, the Living Water.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011



Please teach me to sleep and to make time for it.  Thank you for building into my design that I get blurry eyed when I absolutely must sleep.  I'd rather that than to have health problems from not sleeping.

Teach me to see the signs through my stubborn pride that I must take time for rest.  I do not have the answers.  I cannot always make up for things by staying up a few extra hours, working a few extra hours, etc.

Help me to recognize and acknowledge when the answer is to cut things out of my life that don't lead me to You rather than trying to fit everything in just because I'm attached to unnecessary things. Help me to see that it is only in embracing You that I will find fulfillment.  Everything else is clutter.


Friday, October 21, 2011



Please help me to remember that Your gifts are for sharing.

Help me to remember that there is more than enough for me and for others too.

For every good thing I have is a gift You have given to me.  Just as You freely give good gifts to me, so too should I give freely to others.  Please help me to always remember this and to keep it in perspective.


Sunday, October 16, 2011



Please help me to see situations in the light that you want me to see them.

Help me to not mistake one thing for another simply out of convenience. 

Help me to see which decisions give You glory and to then carry out and live according to Your will.  Help me not to slip through the cracks of my mind that lead to my own will. 

When my tie myself all in knots because I am worried if I have done the right thing, help me to turn to You for answers.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Help me to say Yes to your mercy.

To surrender to your infinite Love...

To coming running to You, my God, who welcomes me with Open arms.

For being the Victim, the Pascal Sacrifice, the Atonement for my sins.

Thank you, Lord, for also giving us, your children, a sense of humor.  I thank you for placing me in an English speaking part of the world.  I don't know how I would ever find letters laying on the parking lot from what the trees shed if I had to look for Chinese or Japanese characters!

Thank you, Lord, for giving us the ability to laugh.


Sunday, October 9, 2011


When I feel pushed up against a wall, help me to always stand by You.

Help me to prepare for the next battle, for there are ebbs and flows in the journey of following You.  Surely there will be more battles to come.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Forgotten Ones


Please help me to never forget the people whom the world views as little and worth forgetting.

Even when backed into a corner and given the choice between that which is simple, easy, and glorious in the eyes of the world, help me to remember that there are so many people who need nothing more a generous human contact.

When the weather beats down upon the world's forgotten ones, please help me to not act as the world does.  Not in this matter and in so many others.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Crowd


Please help me avoid to sin.  Sometimes I sin only because I am with a group of people who are doing something wrong.  I tell myself that this is the reason for my own sin, but there is always more to it than that.

I sin because there is something else in my mind or in my being that seeks something/someone other than You.  Help me to keep my mind trained and focused on You. Help me to constantly reach for You.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Pit


When I am faced with choices that would cause me to fall into the pit, help me to choose You instead.

And if I do choose other things, other attentions, or other beings over You, please help me not to be crushed by the weight of sin but rather to turn back to You, calling out your name for safe delivery home. 

I know, Lord Jesus, that you heal my soul when I return to You.  My mind and my body sometimes are left broken.  Help me to use that brokenness for further healing, learning, and to turn them inward so that I realize that it is in my hurts that I am most fortunate to be able to cling to You. 


Monday, October 3, 2011

Trampled Gems


Let me not walk by someone who has been trampled underfoot

and mistake that person for what he or she truly is: my brother or sister in your love.

It is too easy to accidentally or somewhat purposely turn my eyes to things other than You.  When I do, I fail to notice the gems around me.  Let me never crush them, accidentally, purposely, or by sins of omission.


Friday, September 30, 2011



Help me to shrug away from shyness and to be with people in community even though I always struggle to do so.  Help me to remember to just relax and let a conversation flow with someone whom I don't know.

Help me to give to my community but also to allow my community to give back to me.  It isn't all about me doing things by myself.

Help me to learn how to approach people rather than just standing back and hoping someone will invite me into a conversation.  Then, help me to always remember to listen.

Lord Jesus,

Please help me to remember that You gave your people a community of believers for a reason.  You were always gathering with people and teaching people in groups.  Help me to rejoice not only in personal communion with you, but to celebrate and rejoice in the community You have given to me.  Then, help me to have humility within the group.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keeping Watch


Please help me with the ability to keep watch. I need to keep watch for You, but I also need to keep watch so that when darkness approaches, I can see with opened eyes the temptation for what it truly is.

Help me to seek this task with humility.

And help me to never be so stuck in my journey to think that I must always know the answers.  Let me have the understanding of when to seek help from others, no matter how hard it might be to do so.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Good


Help me to see the good in people and not complain against them.  If something needs fixing, help me to help to fix the situation but to always see the good in people.

Help me instead to focus inward at those things in myself that need changing.  

Help me to turn away from the notion that there is nothing within me that needs changing.  This trap is laid out  for me in a new place in my life everyday.  I must always look for where it is hiding.


Help me to rejoice in the goodness of others and see that it is the goodness You have placed there.

Help me to recognize that when I see and want to over-grasp those things I see as good in myself that I must also remember that these things are the goodness You have placed in me and not merely a testament to puff myself up.


Please help me to keep my mind and my heart ready for You today.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Help me to be open to joy in my life.

Help me me to accept that I can turn things around when I feel like the storm is rocking the boat too much.  You are with me, ready to walk, even on water, to help me.

Help me to know when to open my petals to others.

And when to close my petals to rest.


Thank You for the gifts you have given to me and are giving me.  Let me learn how to best use them.  I have needed to be shown that the stream flows above ground and is not meant to be buried.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wash Me


Wash me in Your mercy.

Wash me in Your love.

Wash me in Your peace.

Let me always remember Your life giving water,

Your cleansing water, for I am always in need of Your mercy.
